Nathan Shirley’s music is published by Marsyas Music, Orpheus Music, SuperScore, ScoreVivo, and select works are available at IMSLP.org. Educational music is available here.
All music found at the IMSLP link may be downloaded and printed at no cost. However there are two limits of use: You may not use the music for monetary gain (sales, recording, etc) and you may not alter the music from its current state without permission. If you do wish to record it, arrange/transcribe it, license it, or in any way alter it or profit from its use, simply send an email to negotiate for such. In many cases it is only wished to learn of the project before granting approval.
Looking for something else? Let me know. While I certainly can’t promise to compose that hurdy-gurdy concerto in the foreseeable future, I’m always interested to know what people are seeking. Consider asking what it would take to commission an original piece. My fees can be quite affordable for very simple and brief compositions. If you go in with a friend, all the better.